just wanted to inform you, that we already had a follow up meeting in Austria, which was really productive, because we invited representatives from the Austrian Youth Council, from the National Agency "Youth in Action" and from the youth ministery as well. So we had the possibility to give them our feedback and next week we're gonna present our final results from the youthweek in the youth ministery as well, which I'm really looking forward to, because they can tell us what has been done so far and what could be the next steps as well!
And according to Pavels idea of a united project on an international level, I would be excited to be part of it - I just really think before we could talk about a project, we should actually know what we're actually talking about here! I mean we shouldn't make a project in order to make a project, but because we have an idea that we want to be realized!
And I don't really understand how you think this brainstorming could happen - I mean, do you acutally want to meet somewhere? Or just fix a time where we all sit in front of our computers chatting to eacht other?
Anyway - a brainstorming is a good idea! And maybe Pavel, you could tell us the ideas you already have, I would be interested in getting to know them!
Well, that's so far everything from me - part from, that I really hope we can manage to see each other again in Portugal :-)
Just to explain the picture to you: it's Robert, Nati, Mourad, Kathi, Katharina (=me), Magdalena and Gregor - the Austrians in front of the European flag ;-) !!

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