Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Youthweek.eu in Lisbon
Results of the creative working groups
I'm happy to inform you that the results of the three creative working groups during the EYW are already available in the youthweek.eu (http://youthweek.eu/creative-working-groups.html?swapimage=05c571226533cf85f961d15d49615146)... have a look!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Who goes to Portgual??
haven't heard from you for quite a while... As some of you might remember I went to South Korea to the 18th International Youth Forum, which was really interesting and a lot of fun. So now I just wanted to ask if some of you are gonna come to Portugal in September, because I've been accepted and it would be very nice to see some of you again there!!
Hope you're all fine! See you soon!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
portugese event- link
i hope you're all having an awesome summer
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Portuguese event
Now if you tell us how to apply, it will be awesome!:)
See you soon (I hope so:)
Portuguese Youth Event - Part 1
Some fresh News, the event will be for sure from 14th to 17th September.
People should arrive at evening on Friday and leave on Monday after lunch, at this moment I can't send more details but will try to send as soon as possible.
Best Regards
Pedro Henrique Aparício
Sunday, July 1, 2007
I would like to hear from You soon....
We all can meet on Thursday at 19.00 as Galya already wrote....
So I am waiting for Your confirmation till Wednesday 16.00
send your confirmation to my mail: pavel.gumennikov@aiesec.lv
Welcome to the team! I am very very glad that I am part of this awesome and enthusiastic group of young people!We will rock Europe,right!
I suggest that our meeting should be on Thursday at 6 pm or 7 pm. Pavel, you are the boss,tell whether it is ok or not.
My skype name is : elizabeth88
it is strange,isnt it?:)
I look forward to seeing all of you!!!
Drums for them.......
So what are our next steps.....????
It is meeting together in skype, to speak about our team, how we separate responsibilities, and of course main topic will be to Create Vision of our team, what we will be working on....
What I need from all of You is to prepare a clear message of what You want this project will show, so we can constructively speak during our meeting in skype...So prepare ideas which could be implemented, so we could quickly choose the best one to implement in our project, and that work will begun....
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Portugal for president ;-)
According to the project Pavel proposed - I don't think that we can think of much without seeing each other, so I also think it would be great if we could actually manage to see each other again in Portugal. So I'd recommend that we just inform each other as soon as possible about the terms how to apply for it - and the exact date as nobody seems to really know it by now ;-)
And just to let you know some private details: Yesterday I went to a disco and asked to DJ to play "Seven nations army" for me ;-) It made me soooo miss you all, because it was just great when we danced to this song in this weird little disco... Hope we can do that again once!!!
And me and Mourad are actually going to Seoul in July to take part in the 18th International Youth Forum - is any of you there as well, cause there are gonna be 30 people from Europe!? I'm really looking forward to it and I hope we can take the spirit and the power of the Youth Week with us to South Korea ;-)
So I wish all of you a great summer and hope to hear from you soon!
Friday, June 29, 2007
The Screw the Media Consultants Report

hello to all....hope all is well with u guys!
Dont have much to say...dont really have the patience for blogs....this is a big effort already... :)
Finally the creative workshop videos were up for download...
THX for the photos...if anybody has more to share please do!
If you all come to Lisbon for the next meeting we can surely meet....but please...leave the media consultants there....I need no help to get on buses...that and WE need people who have ears that actually listen to others!
but my sarcasm aside....feel free to write me:
I ALWAYS reply...it might take me 3 to 4 days...
but please dont write in AUGUST....I will probably be out the whole month! :)
take care and I will try and pay more attention to the blog.....Thx for the effort Pavel!
has anybody been having freaky dreams with the Discotheque Bazaar? :p
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Some News of political issues and agenda
Today, here in Lisbon, we had a forum with the president of the European Parliament (Hans-Gert Pöttering) about the Future of Europe (more directed to the Future of the European Constitution).
I would just like to let you know that in the end of the event I delivered, personally to the President a copy of the European Youth Week 2007 Conclusions.
It was a general meeting, with the Presidents of the different Political Families in the European Parliament.
Who Knows he will read it while returning home?
About the Youth Event, the date I got was a whole weekend so if you look to the Calendar would be Arrival at 17th and departures in the 19th evening. I will also start looking in to the project and giving some help where I can for the organization.
Best Regards
Saturday, June 23, 2007
news of the portugese event
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Project that will be in front of all other projects that was ever before...
So we already have 9 people and Austrian biggest Youth organisation also will participate, also AIESEC one of the biggest Youth organisations in the world...
Also I has very good news for team that will be established, today I met with Representative from Riga council, he is a very smart, with a lot of contacts and influence man. And he is really interested to help.
I started to think that even cooler would be to make our final event in Riga, because he can help us to organise it on the level of NATO summit that were in Latvia, and also Riga is now calculated as one of the best places for conferences. So it is a really great news for us, because he is really interested....
P.S Katharina thank You very much for contacting Austrian Youth organisation, it is really cool, because as much supporters we will have as sucesfull the project will be, so I advice everyone that already subscribed to organise this great project, to start cooperation with NGO's and also government.
I will update You more, and start to prepare for Brainstorming, we will arrange it soon, then will start finance part, we will start raising money. Also we will need to separate responsibilities in our main team. Organising Committee(OC) - OC Finance, OC Logistics, OC External Relations, OC Event planning, OC delegates( and more) , and of course OC president.
So I will inform You more and after 1. JULY we start to work, be ready....
Monday, June 18, 2007
All the participants that are registered on the website www.youthweek.eu can easily access to a list of names and contacts of all the participants that have registered them selves as well!
Let me take the chance to tell you all that the website is going to be available until December (at least!), and we would very much appreciate all of you to be in touch with us, sending us some news and informations about what's going on in your country regarding Youth Policies and Programmes! We are also reporting about the national events that happened during the Youth Week, so... if you have any other informartion just keep in touch, ok?
Once again, my e-mail is r.gracio@youthpress.org
Holla! Do you remember me?
My email is : hannah_elisheba@hotmail.com
And guys do you remember our "video" (the work done by the Photo Group ?!?) Can you see DIVERSITY ?!? You can find it here:
Enjoy it again!
Big Hug Ana
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Important - LAST CALL
So This is the Last Call for participants...Now we have on board... Bulgaria, Austria, Portugal and Latvia... And if No one else apply we will built this project, by ourselves, taking in team also professionals...I have contacts in each European country and also not European, I can use my contacts around AIESEC, and also contacts in companies...
1. We will write project and send it to Youth in action program to get money from them, so we will have our first money to start a project, and make our first meeting from this budget
2. We will make constructive meeting, what everyone has to do in his country to develop one International big project
3. We are starting to take actions - to collect money, to raise partners, companies, participants, developing idea(first of course we are making action plan).
4. All the time communication, between all of us, and meeting in life, and also on skype(other ways).
5. Final stage one Great event in Center of Europe where all countries come together and will show how much Youth can change this world, and help ourselves to develop, it will be first Very Loud voice from us....So politicians could see us...
I am not surprised that there are now not many people who are ready for this challenge to organize it...It is always like that... But those who are I know we can make it...better 5 passionate people then 100 who don't know what they want from this life...
So deadline to subscribe for this project is : 01.07.07 - Those who subscribe start already to think what You want to make, and I will tell You after what is my idea also...Be ready to hard discussions...Just write Your name in comments - and also Your mail, telephone, skype...And why you want it...Just few sentences...
While reading your posts, I just want to point out some issues.
First of all,congratulations on the Austrians' initiative for that follow-up event. You are completely right that the only thing we did at the youth week was talking talking and just talking and now we want to see the true results from that talking.We want those results visible because we want to take the benefit from them but also it is good to know that we do not float on air at such events as the youth week. You give a reasonable advice by telling all of us to organize follow-ups in each member state but it is not that simple to do that in every country. however,even doing it,what then?isnt it the same
as the youth week or whatever international event but this time on national level. How many follow-ups should we organize to make our voice heard. It is obvious that most of the so called "decision-makers" /i.e. politicians/ accept the majority of youth as inexperienced people who do not shut their months. We have to show them that we are smart,intelligent,ambitious,flexible,self-confident and enthusiastic enough to bring a change in Europe. Our first step can be the international project Pavel has been mentioning for a few days.
There are no obstacles to our success unless we believe that there are!
Best wishes,
p.s. Pavel, you had better put some deadline for the people who want to be involved in the most fabuluous project in the history of Europe .. ;-)
Photo Competition for Diversity
You will find all info under: http://photocompetition.stop-discrimination.info/432.0.html
There are great prizes (money, press coverage, exhibition, ...) to be won! Eligible are students of all subjects from the 27 EU Member States - and even though the rules restrict it to creative studies, don't hesitate to participate if you love photography. Your entry will be considered!
Have fun!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
some of my pics...
how are you guys doing? i bet everybody's very busy now, either with school or work...reporting on everything that's been done in Brussels.
i like Pavel's idea of the project. i'm currently thinking about something and i'll let you all know when i think of something good and worth realising. i like the idea of either meeting in person or, in the worst case, an online skype meeting or something.
i agree with Mourad on arranging a meeting with the youth ministers in our home lands. it's a great idea and it's also one of the ways to asure that things we did in Brussels will not be forgotten!!
i really hope to see you guys soon... either in Bonn (cologne follow- up) or in Portugal
i miss you all!!!
Fighting for Follow-Ups
I just wanted to comment a bit more public about the austrian follow-up session(s). Actually I don't really want to comment on the sessions, I just want to say, that in every country, the participants should come together and try to get a meeting with the responsible youth ministries.
We were asking for feedback and a follow-up by the commission, but probably not much will happen. I don't want to give a up the hope, but one thing we can do, is put some pressure on the member states. As you can see in our example it is possible to get the stakeholders to such a meeting, and at least in our case they really seem interested to talk about the outcomes.
Probably this will not be the solution for all issues adressed, but there are quite a few points in the conclusions that the member states themselves can work on.
So go to your ministries, and ask for a meeting. The more such meetings we have, the more will actually be realised!
We worked to hard in Brussels, to let the conclusion just fade away! Let's continue the good work, and we can actually make a difference!
I just wanted to add picture of mine so that I have one for my profile...


Food, accommodation, pocket money is given to You...
Even free excursions, great places of living...
if You are interested just contact me :
Friday, June 15, 2007
Hear is the point that it would not be possible for all of us to communicate for example in Skype.
As I imagined it and I knew from my experience how big projects starts - first is that each one who is interested in project should develop his idea, till Deadline. Then we have next part, where we could choose best idea, then to choose main team which will be working on this project, and then it could be exactly September, we could meet in live, to start developing and to start organising the project. And it could be even in Portugal. Also in project budget there should be finance support for our traveling to meetings(because only that's how we can make really great cooperation, it will be a very big project, and Yes I totally agree with You Katharina, that we shouldn't make it just for project, but we should find best idea, and make it perfect...
Pavel Gumennikov
The Austrians...
just wanted to inform you, that we already had a follow up meeting in Austria, which was really productive, because we invited representatives from the Austrian Youth Council, from the National Agency "Youth in Action" and from the youth ministery as well. So we had the possibility to give them our feedback and next week we're gonna present our final results from the youthweek in the youth ministery as well, which I'm really looking forward to, because they can tell us what has been done so far and what could be the next steps as well!
And according to Pavels idea of a united project on an international level, I would be excited to be part of it - I just really think before we could talk about a project, we should actually know what we're actually talking about here! I mean we shouldn't make a project in order to make a project, but because we have an idea that we want to be realized!
And I don't really understand how you think this brainstorming could happen - I mean, do you acutally want to meet somewhere? Or just fix a time where we all sit in front of our computers chatting to eacht other?
Anyway - a brainstorming is a good idea! And maybe Pavel, you could tell us the ideas you already have, I would be interested in getting to know them!
Well, that's so far everything from me - part from, that I really hope we can manage to see each other again in Portugal :-)
Just to explain the picture to you: it's Robert, Nati, Mourad, Kathi, Katharina (=me), Magdalena and Gregor - the Austrians in front of the European flag ;-) !!

Follow Up
Bisous à tous
Portuguese do it better ;)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Pictures from the Brussels Event
Some of the paparazzi working during our week in Brussels ;)
More about project
What I want now is that each of You, who is really interested write in comments that he is in...
I want to make it professional, so next step probably could be some kind of choosing commission, who will choose who will be leading, who will be in Organising committee and so on...
Then we could start Brainstorming:
1. We need people who has ideas and are interested to make something really great, but You have to understand that it will be very hard, that's why I really want that next step would be that everyone would write his motivation latter, but it is only later.
First i really want to know people who could be interested and would like to start doing it...
Who is motivated and interested, to start something new in society...
Olá a todos, directamente de Lisboa

Hello to everyone, directly from
I'm Pedro, live in
This blog was a great idea Pavel, now we can start sharing information, ideas and just keep in touch with every new friend from the
I think it would be a great idea to start a virtual comunity, to start making a European action for the Youth area. Probably we can manage to give some inputs for the European Commission and companie.
After this event I’m just wondering – Who is going to read the final conclusions? – What about now, should we live in a fantasy and believe that all our dreams are going to became reality?
Of course not, what we need is o get some action now!
Next September we will have in
Best Regards
Pedro Henrique Aparício
About Project
And also I had idea about project connected with Roma people, and Gender equality...You saw that Europe is worrying about it...
About money- 1. Youth in Action = of course
2. Where I have very big experience, Companies - because companies will be interested in this project so we will connect them hear, that what we do always in AIESEC, and get a lot of money from it...
So We just have to agree in July on Brainstorming day, till that decide what we all want and how, I will make a schedule, where we can separate, who will be what day, And please write in Who is interested to do it...
It is a very challenging Project, but if we will make it, it will be the start of International project...We will be first Who made it...
For those who don't like journalists... ;)
You can read some articles about the main conclusions of the European Youth Week at www.youthweek.eu.
You can also read an article I wrote about the young journalists participation. Hope you like it! :)
Your idea is awesome. I have always been keeping in my mind a very similar idea of implementing an international project but I know that it needs the support of many people and official institutions. But I am sure that together we can do that!
The biggest dilemma is what kind of project we should take up. The brainstorming is a very cool idea,it will work for sure. But I think that we should first mention in what kind of field we want our project to be-for example we can choose our target groups to be disabled people or organizing international camps or I dont know...I am just giving an example.
First we can have a target area and then Pavel can start collecting ideas.
Oh...one more thing.. as far as the financial support is concerned,why dont we focus our attention on Youth in Action programme.
Just let your ideas flowwww!
Galya ;-)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Important Project
I am happy that hear are already so many people posting, and telling their emotions. What I were thinking(and one girl also from Latvia and some of You) and already spoke with some of You...Is that we could make a project together, big European project connected with one of the topics. What I would like is to make Brainstorming together with interested persons, than to make a selection who will be OCP -organising committee president, and who will in organising committee, and then we could lunch a project to raise money from funds, and also I know other sources of many...We could develop really cool project where we could connect International companies, smaller companies, NGO's, students...it could be run around Europe... I have some ideas, but I want to hear Yours first... We could decide when we could make Brainstorming, the best would be July...
So people what do you think about it....????
Pavel - pavel.gumennikov@aiesec.lv
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Hey guys!

Hellooooo! What's up boys and girls? How do you feel after that great event?As I am reading your comments-great!
Actually...I am Galya from Bulgaria.Maybe most of you do not remember me maybe you do but I have a photo in my profile ( don't tell me that I was invisible!;). I still dont know how to attach one to this post but we will see...
So...at the Youth Week... I was the only person from Bulgaria (dont ask me why,I have no idea:) and practically I was representing the Youth Summit in Rome. I can only say that the event in Brussels was super super super cool! Althogh I was alone and I didnt know anyone I didnt feel lonely even for a second. How could I when I was surrounded by the smartest and most ambitious young people ever in Europe! But enough with the compliments:)
Generally I am a person who keeps in her heart a very positive attitude towards everything.That is why I liked almost everything at the Youth Week. The youth hostel was not a five-star hotel but it was pretty good. The food was not the best I had ever had but we ,girls, had the unique opportunity to lose some weight :):) As for the final report....I see the army of rapporteurs here in this blog .... as a participant I can say that you did a great job! I am not flattering you at the moment-it is true! The report is not perfect, but the points there are real and possible to be achieved (most of them).
I want to tell you so many things because almost all of you are older than me and as the baby here I admire you a lot!
But I had better shut up.
Please attach photos to your posts because I have a big problem remembering names,but I will never forget your cute faces!
See youu and keep in touch!!!
p.s. ohh....anybody who has some useful information for an event of that kind or for whatever else....just keep the words going!
You rock! ;-)
e-mail: galya.shishkova@gmail.com
mobile phone: +359 883 311 307
Oh happy day!!
By the way: the Austrians are gonna have an "after meeting" tomorrow as well and we're gonna tell you how it was and what big plans we discussed afterwards of course ;-)
And if somebody could tell me how we are supposed to upload stuff like videos or music here, I could upload this very nice Austrian song I was singing all the time since they told me to do so on the first night after the pub... so if you wanna know how it acutally sounds like - tell me how I can upload it ;-)
So have a good night all over Europe!
Labas from LT
Hello guys,
Here is Mantas (yes, the tall one) from Lithuania. OK, not only me, but also a crew from Vilnius.
I gues that I won't be so nice and poetic like you guys, but let's try :) What I really want to say for all of you - thank you for experience. I can't measure value of these discussions in the lobs, yards or buses. Of course it would be to much to say, that we became friends. No, I would say that we became a really nice community. Community which is strong even when it's separated.
In the times of globalization and global warming (remember guys those discussions in front of TV cameras :)) only team can reach something. Let's pretend that our goal is to have united Europe. OK, let's have some realistic goals - maybe we can have united Europe or content with less discrimination or whatever. Only team can do that. Let's be the team which can do everything, which believes, that it can do everything. Every single person matters.
OK, after some dramatic speeches let's have some fun :) Today in Vilnius we had a team reunion after one week :) That means, that I, Vaida, Augis, Mindaugas and Paulius met in the center of Vilnius. And guess what, we even prepared plan for project :) It will be called "Inter cultural dialog through national beer". OK, OK it's about alcohol again. But do you remember our game last evening in the garden? I think it wasn't possible without our special Lithuanian beverages (by the way, i still have some pictures from that evening :)).

We all wish you very sunny summer and happy days. And remember - god is in details.
Remember this? :)
Wishes from,
Mantas & Co
Hello /Salut/Hola!
I am Luciana, journalist from Romania!
I`m very glad this blog is alive! I believe we can do many things together...I wish we could not only keep in contact, but also collaborate in the future!
I`m sure we all have a fresh vision upon Europe: that we know what we would like to change and how to do it!
So I`m opened to any , any idea, anyone who thinks we could still make some noise after YouthWeek ended!
Wish you all sunny days, friendship , love and the power to make your voices heard,
WE are important
As always, I cannot hold back and I have to add a few things.
Most important I also want to express how much I enjoyed the Youth Week. It was such a big pleasure meeting so many cool, nice, funny, intelligent,.... people and work together with them. As it was mentioned before, our emotions are a key element. All the joy, after having a good talk in the working group, all the fun after a good Hoegarden in the garden, all the sadness after hearing of problems some young people face because of stupid things, all the frustration after working an entire night on a paper just so that a rapporteur who could have changed it finally votes against it without prior critics, all these emotions made such this event so special.
It's such meetings that make me optimist about the future of Europe. After all, "Europe - that's all of us" was the sub-title of my working-group, and this is my hope. There are many good things happening in Europe, and many bad things, but if WE work together, we can change it for a better future. There is an african proverb saying: "If many little people In many little places Do many little deeds They can change the face of the Earth", and this is our task. In a song by the german band "Die Ärzte" (maybe some of you know them) they say (in german of course, I hope my translation will be any good): "It's not your fault that the world is at it is, but It's your fault if the world stays like this". Well you get the idea.
During one our working sessions Aleksandar from Macedonia told me about the concept of Ubuntu, and I love it. Here's how Desmond Tutu describes it:
"A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed."
I must admit, that I love this way of seeing things!
And a last opne, a bit more sarcastic proverb: " When you reach for the stars, you may not quite get one, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either."
And to finnish, here's a picture of the rapporteurs after they finnished the report (I hope that's the one where everybody is on...):
It was a long night, so don't blame us for not being pretty anymore... ;)
Ah yeah, right, I again wanted to thank Pavels for opening up the blog, and for the many hilarious hours we had while drafting the conclusions!
Hope to see ya all soon!
E-Mail: m.mahidi@gmx.net
Phone number: +4369919231031
Greetings from Portugal!
I'm the portuguese journalist who was in Brussels following all the activities, and I'm glad to be a part of this blog, where we can exchange some experiences and contacts. For now, I'll start with a photo of the portuguese participants, I guess you remember them, don't you? ;)

top: Andreia, Pedro and Ermelindo.
bottom: Tiago and Ana.
See you soon.
Monday, June 11, 2007
From Me To You
i'm not going to write too much tonight because i just got home from work and i had an exam (i totally did not miss that in Belgium. heh).
i wanted to thank Pavels for establishing this forum for us, so THANKS A LOT!! :D
Katharina asked about the youth event under the Portugese presidency.. all i know is that it's going to be 17-19 september in Lisbon, but i've not found any info yet, although i've been looking for it a lot. it would be cool to see you there. so guys, make sure to keep us all updated if you find something, especially you from portugal :oP
well, this is going to be all for tonight, oh ,one more thing, i'll upload all my pictures on the internet this weekend because till then i'll be very busy...and i'll let you know where you'll find them.
ok, make sure you have a kickass week.
much love,
Rafaela says HELLO
For those who I didn't had the pleasure to meet during the Youth Week let me introduce myself. My name is Rafaela, portuguese, 24 years old, living in Brussels!
At the moment, I'm working for European Youth Press as a chief editor of the official web portal of the Youth Week, you all know it, don't you?? www.youthweek.eu!! So, please make your contributions and keep the EYW spirit alive with comments and suggestions, it's really important for us (and for all) this network establishment.
Congratulations for the blog, I think it was an excellent idea! I'll try to keep in touch and post some news regularly!
Here are my contacts: r.gracio@youthpress.org (if there is anything cool going on in your country just tell me something ok? For MSN, rafaela_gracio@hotmail.com Cheers ;)
For us
Hey guys,
very nice that we found a platform where we can communicate now so that hopefully we don't lose contact... so thanks Pavel for opening it with this more than touching and really emotional words! I guess for me that was one of the things I learned during this week... that it is important to be able to express your emotions. Cause finally that's where it all comes to. Without emotions we wouldn't feel motivated to get active and stand up for what be believe in, we wouldn't start projects just by ourselves only because we believe in them, we wouldn't be interested in other peoples lifes and experiences... we wouldn't feel what we feel now - kind of enriched! It might sound cheesy but I do feel enriched by the people I met, by the different cultures they expressed, by all the stories they told, by all the experiences they shared with me...
At the beginning of our working group we had to write down what we expected from this few days and on my way back to the airport I found this little piece of paper in my bag and read it - and I can say the one thing, that was most important to me became true: I wanted to finally find a group of people, that I really like because they've got something to say and people that share my interests and my beliefs - and I did not only want to belong, but more to fit into this group. And yes - I felt like I fitted into this wunderful and colourful bunch of people on the European Youth Week!
Whatever comes next, I guess these few days all brought us a bit further - and might it just be because of the good feeling we share now and all the good memories that maintain!
And according to Pavels wishes I'd like to add two phrases, a very intelligent woman told me a few months ago when she was my boss and I made an interview with her about her professional career. She said there were two things she would recommend to young people in order to acchieve their aims:
1. To be interested and to be opened for new encounters - you never know, what they might bring.
2. Not to be afraid that you might lose things again one day.
I'm not sure if I will ever be able to fulfill number two, I honestly don't think so, but at least, we all know how to stand up again and how to continue searching for what we want and fight for it!
Well I guess that's enough of my philosophical drivel for today.
So what event was it in Lisboa and when is it? Maybe we could keep each other informed about such things going on!
I wish you all a nice evening - here in Viena the thunders have just started and I'looking out of my window - looking forward to the flashes... I just love thunderstorms!
bye bye, Katharina
For us
Wow... I could hardly say any comments to this. Wonderful, really wonderful words.
As I see I wasn't the only one who had some inspiration and some changes in personal live, because of the evnt.
Glad to meet you all and missing you so much.
By the way - don't forget to share your photos at http://www.flickr.com/groups/europeanyouthweek/
June 10, 2007 4:22 AM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Important for all of Us....

Friends are those who will help You and will lead through bad moments in Your life... Friends are those who will chear You up when You feel bad, or sad...
How will You all act, is only Your decision...I know that I for sure will not lose friends I met in those event, and that's why I don't care about How event was organised, How was everything done... Because I have more positive emotions from You...
I will remember - How we were singing together...
How we were playing games, laughing, smiling, dreaming and sharing...
Pavel - Something about me

I am 21 years old boy from Latvia and I learn diplomacy and politics also together with Chinese…I live in a very beautiful country Latvia near Baltic Sea... And I was one of rapporteurs who worked in European Youth week... Blond boy... :)
But if truly I have done so many thinks in my life already that people more often ask me: ‘’What You haven’t done’’ I usually say – I haven’t dance ballet.
What I really like in this life, is people, doesn't matter black, white, yellow or green aliens :D, yes by the way I believe in them :D.

My dream is already for 4 years to become ambassador of Good Will in United Nations, and I know that I will reach it. I want to leave something after me.
As Alexander the Great told – Fortune favors the bold… Man always rise and fall, but what is important how much You did at the end of Your live, How much You have raised above others, and how many good things You did…Alexander didn't reached his dream, he failed, but his failure raised against other people achievements, because his failure was something great something unbelievable. I want to become in this life person that will encourage others, not a common person that is leaving this life, but person who will change everything.
Now i am Vice President of AIESEC Latvia, I am responsible for External Relations and I enjoy it very much... I can work with different people, communicate with them, change their life...
What I never do - I don't follow rules, I break them - I don't play Your rules I make my own... And that's what I do always, I reach what I see, and I am always passionate about it... i also now how it feels when You run from all Your heart and lose... I felt it just one week ago, but it also learned me a lot... I take from life what it gives me...
And now my dear friends I am waiting to break laws with You, to make our dreams fulfill…
Dreams will fulfill because we are the ones to make them true…
E-mail: pavel.gumennikov@aiesec.lv
Phone: +37126754543
About us...
What I want You all to ask, is to write hear, each make a short description of Yourself...
Each make one post, about himself, so everyone can remember, if he forgot You, and put in Your photo, so we all know who is who, and can each moment look hear, and look for contact we need....
For ALL of You From creator of this BLOG
I was sitting and wondering what happened during this week with me?
I didn’t fulfil my dream, but I gained something much better, friends that are so great and smart. And other thing was, yes I didn’t fulfil my dream till the end, but I showed myself as I am, and that was is the most important thing. Not what You reached, but what others saw in You. It is as essential to understand that battles are primarily won in the hearts of men – what this sentence written by Paul Brawn shows us? First You have to win fight in Your heart and only then You can fight in life.
How many of us did it? How many of reached what they wanted? How many of us where brave to stand up and say his own thoughts?
I want to say to all of You with whom I was working closely, with whom I were smiling, chatting, sharing, discussing. I want to say to those who helped so much to understand myself, for those who showed me example, for those who were close, for one special girl that let me realise and be myself again…
For all of You I want to say - BIGGEST THANK YOU….
This event gave me a lot, learned me a lot…
And that’s what I want to wish for You - Leaders of future, My friends…
I sincerely wish you will have the experience of thinking up a new idea, planning it, and following it to completion….
….then having it to be magnificently successful.
I also hope you go through the same process and have something fail terribly.
I wish you could know how it feels to run with all your heart...and lose horribly.
I wish that you could achieve some great good for mankind and have nobody know it except you.
I wish you could find something so worthwhile that you deem it worthy of devoting your life.
I hope you become frustrated and dissatisfied enough to begin to push back the very barriers of your own personality limitations.
I hope you make a stupid unethical mistake and get caught red handed...and are big enough to say those magical words - “I was wrong”.
I hope you give so much of yourself that some days you wonder if it’s worth it all.
I wish for you a magnificent obsession that will give you a reason for living and purpose and direction and life.
I wish for you the worst kind of criticism for everything you do...because that makes you fight to achieve beyond what you normally would.
I wish for you the experience of leadership.
Thank You ... Stay in contact, I would like to meet You all in Lisbon and I hope I will have possibility to be there… Don't watch but do…Believe in dreams and fulfill them with hard work…
Every one post hear Your emotions, dreams, what You feel ...
It would be great to know about You all Friends...